Our Parish

St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church is committed to bring all people closer to Jesus Christ and to build a strong faith community. As a community of faith we celebrate the sacraments, pray together and share the values of the Gospel.

Welcome to St. Andrew

St. Andrew Parish, founded in 1927, (Then Archbishop Henry Joseph O'Leary) is a diverse congregation for Catholics, within the local community, and Catholic schools in the Westmount area of Edmonton. Our Parish Priest appointed by the Archbishop takes responsibility for the spiritual and temporal needs of the faithful. Our Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that supports the pastor(s) in all aspects of his ministry.

We are lucky to serve approximately 1500-1600 families. Many of our new families have ties to Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and other parts of the world. St. Andrew offers a variety of programs, activities and opportunities for spiritual growth. Our parish is a place of welcome for all, whether you are a practicing Catholic, or are wishing to join the community. We warmly welcome those with questions, or seeking a way to return to faith. Whatever the circumstances may be, the parish, its resources, information and support are here to assist you on your journey of faith. We also invite you to share your gifts and talents within the parish community.

Seniors residing at the adjacent St. Andrew Centre (administered by the Archdiocese of Edmonton) have convenient indoor access to the church and to the Corpus Christi Chapel of Perpetual Adoration (also run by the Archdiocese of Edmonton).

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) provides support and consultation to the pastor for all aspects of ministry and matter pertaining to the pastoral life of the parish. We seek to bring people closer to Christ by prayerfully respecting and welcoming diversity and inviting members of our community to share their gifts and talents. The PPC ensures the grace and ease of the liturgy and encourages all to grow in their spirituality.

PPC meetings are held 8 times per year, with the Annual General Meeting taking place in September. Social gatherings are held at least twice a year (once in winter, once in summer), and allow all ministry and PPC volunteers to share in fellowship and hospitality.